The Pre-Design portion of a project varies in scale, but follows a similar process that includes two steps. The first step is determining if the proposed project and budget is realistic for a given site. The second involves analyzing the obstacles that affect the site, both in terms of environmental and physical characteristics, as well as the regulatory bodies that have jurisdiction.

The requirements of the building program, along with the restrictions of the site provide for a sound base from which to commence the preliminary design that will begin to shape the physical characteristics of the project.  More importantly, the program will assist in providing approximate building size and general infrastructure requirements from which a very basic budget review can be undertaken to ensure the project is on track.

Site planning is a critical component to any projects Pre-Design with lasting effects on the use and overall enjoyment of the property as a whole. A building design must work in harmony with the site for which it is intended, this can be the difference between a bland or an extraordinary building. Early site planning can be as straightforward as establishing boundaries and setbacks, identifying preferred views, and making note of physical and environmental factors (orientation, distance from neighbors, rock formations, important trees, etc). When done properly, site planning will improve the overall experience of your property and buildings alike.